To process your application Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP (including its associated entities) will collect and process your personal data.
Your information will be handled in accordance with our privacy notice which can be viewed here.
Our privacy notice explains that we keep information about applicants for two years to consider applicants for current and future vacancies and to monitor our recruitment processes. You have the right to ask us to delete your personally identifiable information before the end of that two year period.
We process the initial personal data you provide on the basis that you consent to us holding that information and processing it in accordance with our privacy notice.
You do not have to provide your personal information, but we may be unable to carry out the recruitment process without it. You can withdraw your consent at any time through this portal or by emailing
Please select the box below to confirm that you consent to Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP (and associated entities) holding your personal information for these purposes.